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King opens electrolyser for green hydrogen in Nieuwegein

Electrolyser for production of green hydrogen at KWR Nieuwegein

His Majesty King Willem-Alexander will open the new electrolyser for the production of green hydrogen in Nieuwegein on Oct. 4. Hysolar' s electrolyser is located on KWR's site in Nieuwegein and has come about through the Life NEW HYTS project with European Life funding. This new production site represents an important milestone in the transition to a sustainable energy system.

Green hydrogen plays a crucial role in the transition to a carbon-neutral future. It offers sustainable solutions for mobility, power tools and various applications in industry, among others. With the new facility in Nieuwegein, Hysolar can produce 300,000 kg of green hydrogen annually, which is enough to cover the consumption of about sixty buses or trucks. Nieuwegein is thus among the first production sites in the Netherlands.

Innovation and advances in technology

Construction of the new production facility began in late 2023 after all necessary permits were obtained. The construction of an underground hydrogen pipeline using a unique drilling technique is one of the innovations within this project. The 1 km long pipeline transports the green hydrogen to the public hydrogen filling station on the premises of contracting company Jos Scholman. These innovations underscore Hysolar's ambition to contribute to a green future by using both existing and new technologies.

Chain from production to use

Hysolar was founded in 2019 by Allied Waters and contracting company Jos Scholman, with the aim of promoting the production and application of green hydrogen. Shortly afterwards, Van Kessel/Greenpoint joined, specialists in the operation of filling stations. This puts the entire chain - from production to use - in the hands of experienced parties. This partnership combines practical experience with scientific expertise, supported by partners such as research institute KWR Water Research Institute and em. prof. dr. Ad van Wijk.


Logo Life program with text Co-financed by the European UnionThe electrolyser was made possible in part by European Life subsidy. With the opening of the new electrolyser, all parties involved confirm their commitment to making green hydrogen widely accessible in the Netherlands. LIFE NEW HYTS (Life-project reNEWable green HYdrogen for TranSport) is a unique collaboration of local entrepreneurs, knowledge institutions and governments. The project shows the possibilities and feasibility for the local production, distribution and application of green hydrogen in road transport. LIFE NEW HYTS develops conditions for a rapid introduction of green hydrogen-powered heavy-duty vehicles and demonstrates the regional transition to green hydrogen.

Festive opening

An event for invited guests will take place on Friday afternoon, October 4, starting at 1:30 p.m. During the plenary program, several speakers, including leaders in the use of hydrogen, will share their vision in the presence of the King. The highlight of the afternoon will be the official opening ceremony of the electrolyser by the King, followed by a networking reception. During this networking moment, the King will enter into conversation with invited guests on themes such as the application of green hydrogen, education and innovation.