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Privacy Statement

Version 1, date August 19, 2024

This privacy statement is intended to explain in a simple and clear way what personal data Project Life NEW HYTS collects about you and how we process it.

Who is this privacy statement intended for?

This privacy statement is intended for anyone who interacts with Project Life NEW HYTS and visitors to this website.

What are personal data?

By personal data we mean any information that tells us something about you or that we can link to you. This can be information that is directly about you or can be traced back to you. It may include, for example, your name, your e-mail address or your telephone number.

What is processing?

By processing, we mean all the operations we can do with your personal data such as collecting, storing, recording, modifying, disclosing, transferring or deleting it.

What personal data do we process?

Depending on the type of processing, we may process the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact information (name and address, email, phone)
  • Correspondence (emails)
  • Financial information (bank account number, contractor payment information)
  • Identification numbers (BSN, IP address)
  • Imagery (photos and videos).

We do not process criminal or special personal data.

Why do we process this personal data?

Life NEW HYTS processes your personal data for the performance of our tasks within the framework of the 'Covenant Hydrogen in Mobility province of Utrecht' and the project 'Life NEW HYTS.' In doing so, we process your personal data for such purposes as:

  • Registration of signatories to the 'Covenant on Hydrogen in Mobility province of Utrecht'
  • Mailing information to covenant signatories
  • Requesting information from covenant signatories for monitoring covenant targets
  • Invite to meetings on hydrogen that we (co-)organize
  • Registration of visitors to a meeting we (co-)organize
  • Registration of subscribers to the newsletter Waterstof Utrecht / Life NEW HYTS
  • Sending the newsletter Hydrogen Utrecht / Life NEW HYTS
  • Answering questions about hydrogen in mobility
  • Connecting entrepreneurs in the field of hydrogen in mobility
  • Archival purposes
  • Compilation of website visitor statistics
  • Financial administration

We ensure that your personal data is accessible only to employees who need it to perform their job or assignment.

How do we obtain your personal data?

In most cases you provide your personal data yourself to Life NEW HYTS or Waterstof Utrecht, for example through a form on this website, signing the covenant or registering for a meeting.

With whom do we share your personal data?

Only with your permission and only if it is necessary for the performance of our work, will we share your data with another organization. For example, a co-organizer of a meeting. On the websites of these other organizations you can see through the privacy statement how they process your personal data.

In performing our tasks, we may use the services of third parties. This may be through external workers whom we hire to support us in carrying out our tasks, through external parties to whom we have (partially) outsourced our tasks, or in partnerships in which we carry out tasks in cooperation with other parties. If we do this, we make proper arrangements with these third parties about the processing of personal data and also record these arrangements in an agreement.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We do not retain your data for longer than is necessary for the proper performance of our duties and compliance with legal obligations. How long certain data is kept depends on the nature of the data and the purpose for which it was processed.

Your personal data will be deleted upon completion of processing. For most types of personal data, we must comply with the Archives Act. A further elaboration of the retention periods can be found on the website of the National Archives: Selection list for archive documents of provincial bodies as of January 1, 2020 National Archives.

Do we also process your data in countries outside the European Union?

We do not transfer your data to any company or establishment in a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

How do we protect your personal data?

Hydrogen Utrecht is part of the province of Utrecht. Within the province of Utrecht we use systems and standards to protect your personal data. We regularly adapt these systems and standards to comply with new regulations and developments in the market.

In addition to technical security measures such as encryption of personal data and access controls on computer systems, employees have a duty of confidentiality and access to personal data is only given to employees and contractors authorized to do so. In determining the measures, the current state of technology is always considered and security is adjusted accordingly.

In addition, the province of Utrecht has its own privacy policy. This contains details of how the province of Utrecht implements the provisions of the AVG.


We place functional cookies that are necessary for our website to function properly technically and analytical cookies to obtain visitor statistics that give us insight into the functioning of the website. On this basis, we can improve our services. In addition to our own cookies, YouTube does the same when you watch a video on our website. This allows YouTube to see which video you are interested in and then point you to videos that may also interest you. If you do not consent to the placement of cookies, you will not be able to play videos on our website.

More information on the use of cookies can be found at https://www.provincie-utrecht.nl/cookies.

Data protection officer

The Province of Utrecht has appointed a Data Protection Officer (FG). The FG oversees compliance with applicable privacy laws and regulations within our organization. You can contact our FG with any questions about the processing of your personal data at FG@provincie-utrecht.nl.

Your rights

You have a number of rights against us because we process your personal data:

  • You have the right to access the personal data we process about you
  • You have the right to information about how we process your personal data
  • You have the right to correct or supplement your personal data
  • You have the right to have your personal data deleted
  • You have the right to have less personal data processed
  • You may object to the processing of your personal data
  • You have the right to ask us to transfer your personal data to you in a structured, common and machine-readable form
  • You can object to automated individual decision-making

To exercise these rights, please submit a request at info@lifenewhyts.eu. We will process your request within 4 weeks. The more specific you are in the request, the better we can handle your request. You can only exercise your rights with respect to your own personal data.

Data breach

Have you received information not intended for you? Have you identified a vulnerability in our security or do you believe there has been a data breach? If so, please report it immediately to datalek@provincie-utrecht.nl and info@lifenewhyts.eu.

Filing a complaint

Do you have a complaint? If so, please report it to info@lifenewhyts.eu or to FG@provincie-utrecht.nl. If you are not satisfied with the handling of your complaint, you can file a complaint with the Personal Data Authority at https://www.autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl.